Books for everyone!

Books for everyone!

18 books (19 if you count the two Encyclopedia of Matildas). 

14 non-fiction.
4 fiction.
14 on football.
7 on football history.
1 football biography.
1 football memoir.
1 general sport autobiography.
1 true crime.
1 self-help.
1 children's picture book - with all proceeds going to a cancer charity.

6 women authors.
Another 17 young women writers from 11 countries featured in the anthology Hear Us Roar. 
Another 7 featured in Football fans in their own write. 

A global emerging women writers competition.
And a Football Writers' Festival. 

If you missed out during the year - and bearing in mind that the Encyclopedia of Matildas Beyond the World Cup 2023 is hot off the presses this week - then now is the time to buy.

If buying from us, please place your order by Friday to ensure Australia Post Christmas delivery deadlines (Thursday if WA and NT). After that day, Australia Post says it will be the new year.

Otherwise, please visit your local good bookstore.

​​​​​​​Happy shopping!

The Year of the Matildas

Announcing the Manly Writers' Festival program