2020 has been a quiet time for many industry sectors, including the publishing industry. But we're finishing 2020 with a bang.
Over the next eight weeks or so, we're releasing three exciting titles.
The 20th anniversary of Matthew Hall's The Away Game - the book that set the benchmark for football books in Australia. It includes a new Prologue and Epilogue from Matthew as well as all new photographs.
An updated and revised edition of our popular Encyclopedia of Matildas by Andrew Howe and Greg Werner with player bios and data updated to 30 June this year (from 31 December 2018).
A special edition for the Football Writers' Festival of the first six PLAY ON e-magazines as a book. It's big! Remember the days of the 'boys; or girls' own annual'? This is a bit the same. Over 360 pages with 62 articles from 26 writers.
All of the above are terrific Christmas presents and they're available for ordering now via our online shop. You can also buy The Away Game as an e-book (once it's released later this month), and The Away Game and the Encyclopedia of Matildas from good bookstores.
They will also be available at the Football Writers' Festival to be held in Manly (Sydney) on 21 and 22 November. If you haven't already bought tickets, we encourage you to do so. It's an outstanding programs, and places are strictly limited due to COVID restrictions. If you don't have a ticket beforehand, we can't let you in. Just $15 for two days.