Another top read this month with the May edition of PLAY ON.
This month's theme is 'The Coach' and the stories range from grassroots through to elite level.
Keen football fans will know our cover image is of Danny Blanchflower with journalist Ashley Morrison asking whether someone of his creativity and flair would be allowed to play that way in today's modern game.
Other articles include:
Champagne on Ice by Rose Calvert
How Gareth Southgate rallied his team and united a nation by George White
Boys from Belize helped by Premier League expertise by Simone Engeln
One-on-One with Tom Sermanni by Matthew Hall
A Year of Bending It by Paul Nicholls
Ross Anderson: Promoting and pioneering women’s football by Stuart Thomas
Five of the Best by Alain Prieto-Soldevilla
How Ufuk Talay is Revolutionising Wellington Phoenix by Jackson George
The use of big data in football by Matthew Galea, and
Togolese Coach Tragedy - Ten Years On by Michael Renouf.
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